MTM St. Elsewhere Finale

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St. Elsewhere was a television series that ran for 6 seasons before finishing in 1988. It gets high ratings from both viewers and people within the industry. The show follows an old, not respected hospital crew. The final episode of the series was the most watched out of the entire series' run on NBC.

What's special about this specific logo splash was that during the run of the series, the MTM logo with Mimsie (The small kitten) would be edited to wear surigal equipment for the splash screen.

The variant of the logo during the show's run

During the final episode of the series' premiere, during the final MTM splash screen, it shows a new variant. In the background of the logo the ending credits play, while Mimsie is 'hooked up' to a heartbeat monitor while it beeps repeatedly during the screen. As the credits end, the heartbeat monitor flatlines, and the screen fades to black.

The final episode splash screen

What is sad about this is that Mimsie died shortly after the finale of the show. The series finale was dedicated to her. This logo seems incredibly poetic to me due to this reason.

The logo doesn't show up in any streaming services uploads of the finale, and I'm guessing its due to the bleakness of the logo. On streaming services such as Hulu, the regular MTM logo for the series (the surgeon kitten variant) plays instead of this one.

There are two (known) Variants of the finale splash screen, one without an announcer and one with the NBC announcer.

Without Announcer | With Announcer