Finn is a very stocky tall man, with a pale complexion and covered head to toe in freckles. His hair is a deep red, with some lighter colors peppered in. His hair is usually loose down, and rarely ever in a ponytail unless it's needed. He has scars on his neck, shoulders, wrists, and legs where the parts of the homunculus were put together. He is incredibly strong, but his muscles arent 'toned'. He's fairly chubby, with a bit of a stomach pouch. He's honestly built like a fridge. He has a vivisection scar on his torso, with the scars being darker than the rest from other cadavers. All the scars gotten after the cadaver scars are lighter than the rest.
Finn regularly wears turtleneck sweaters, alongside any other heavier material clothes. Most clothes he wears covers all his scars, specifically the cadaver and vivisection scars. During the summer time, he will still try to wear the same clothes, though will eventually switch to shorts, but try to wear longer shirts to hide the scars. During his time in the circus, he would wear scrub clothes whenever not in a show, such as t-shirts and shorts and other articles of clothing simular to them. He wears the same few outfits every day, mostly due to the fact that he wasn't really given any clothes that werent handed down during the sect. The jester outfit he was given when he 'joined' the sect is one size too big for him, and tends to fit him poorly.
He's incredibly quiet to most people when you first meet him. He's not much of a talker in general, though will go out of his way not to meet any new people where he goes. He's blunt as well, not wanting to fluff anything up when he's telling people things. He's slow to anger, though once he gets going it's hard for him to stop, especially if provoked by certain people. He's incredibly smart, and knows quite a lot about certain subjects. He's incredibly paranoid, given that he's finally in the 'outside world' after fleeing the sect, and will not trust anyone, even if they mean well. Growing up in the sect warped how he saw the world, especially with how he saw other people.
Likes: Bonfires, the warmer months, quiet time alone, reading.
Dislikes: The church structure, deep darkness, using his magic, dogs, Cecil, being in public.
He was born into the sect, after his 'father' and Cecil performed the homunculus ritual a few years into the group. The project was dubbed the "Phoenix Project" by Cecil, due to his 'father's' fire magic abilities. The ritual requires human cadaver parts, certain chemicals, and the blood of a living person, which would act as the introductory genes into the new body. (Which usually means whoever gives the blood, the homunculus would look simular to them, such as father and son.) He was raised by Sebastian, who helped him read, write, and harness his magical abilities, in which he inherited from his father. His father taught him to harness it well, and especially not to use it to harm. He knew very little about his father's past life before the group, outside of conversations he caught between him and Cecil. As the years passed, he learned more about his father and he was painted in a (less than) tolerable light, especially by Cecil.
Cecil never treated him kindly, even before he was introduced to the god. Cecil only saw him as a project and not as a person, and would treat him as such. For the first few years of being alive (his body was about 10~ ish in age, though his body does mature with age just like a human that age would.) His father treated him incredibly kindly, and he would go to him for comfort. Though, his emotions have always been a bit out of whack since he was 'born', and Cecil scolded him for this. Even to this day, he tends to show his emotions flatly. Cecil would do weekly 'check ins' in how he was growing, and was asked many questions growing up, which he usually never answered anyways. He was incredibly quiet at this stage, keeping a low profile and speaking softly whenever he did. Once his check in's stopped, he was brought into the church with cecil nearly daily to see what he was doing. He was forced to see what he was doing to the people who went to the 'higher level of being' (which was to basically rot in the pews like a church service as the god continued to eat them. All the corpses had broken feet or ankles, and Finn eventually realized that they were trapped there to suffer. Finn was immediately not a fan of this, and was scared shitless whenever he was forced into the church. Cecil would wake him up in the middle of the night at random times and drag him into the church.
When he was around ~13 Cecil finally admitted to the god that Finn was the long awaited vessel for the god. At this point Finn was absolutely terrified of the church, and would actively not want to go into the church, though Cecil forced him to. He rarely fought back at this point, since if he did, Cecil would most likely punish him for acting out. The god rejected the offer, stating that Finn was in such a volitile state that it wouldn't go well, especially with how frail he was. Cecil didn't take this well, though accepted that there really wasn't anything else he could do to sway the god. The god told him to keep Finn alive, just in case that he could be used for something else at a later date. Cecil still forced Finn to go into the church as punishment, and would sometimes leave him in there overnight. (Though, the god never showed themself during these times.) These church nights only lasted until he was around 18, since he got too big for Cecil to physically control.
During his teen years, His father built a small shabby cabin away from the main sect for the two of them to train with eachother, though it was mainly for Finn to have a place where he wouldn't be bothered. His father took his magic seriously, and wanted to help Finn be able to fully harness it like he did. Finn wasn't really the most interested in it, but did it anyways, and learned quickly. Cecil did eventually find out about the small cabin a mile(ish) away from the sect, though was seemingly swayed by Sebastian telling him to leave Finn be for a bit. Though, shortly after this, Sebastian left the sect without notice. He up and left in the middle of the night during the summer and never returned, leaving Finn all on his own to deal with Cecil. Finn was (understandably) heartbroken and upset at the fact that his father left without even saying goodbye, and is still incredibly bitter about it. Though, with Sebastian gone, the treatment of Finn got worse.
After Sebastian left, Cecil started to make Finn use his fire for the worse, and started to brand sect members if they so chose. (In all honesty, nearly all of them agreed.) Finn never actually wanted to do this, but was basically forced. Around this time Cecil also started experimenting on Chimeras, with Finn watching Mikhail being the first one to be experimented on. Thankfully, Mikhail had very little to no health issues following this, and it was seen as a blessing from the god that it was successful. At this point, Finn started to reject the ideals preached to him for a number of reasons. He saw the god firsthand and had a deep feeling it was basically all a lie, though kept quiet about it until Rurik showed up. Rurik was the 8th or so person who went through the revolving door that was the room where Cecil experimented with the demon blood. Rurik was the only one who came out from those doors alive, and sparked up a bond between the two.
Rurik was a bit older than him at the time, (Finn was about 22-23 while Rurik was 26ish) though the two became close quickly. Finn saw firsthand the way that Cecil was treating Rurik, though he heard that Rurik may have bitten off Cecil's finger, which he wouldnt doubt. Finn was tasked to give Rurik a small tour of the sect, with pointing out specific buildings and things like that. Finn felt put off by the fact that Cecil forced him to wear a muzzle wherever he went, though as a year or two passed, the muzzle was lifted, as far as he knew. The two of them became incredibly close during the last few years of the sect, and the two finally decided to do something about leaving there. Finn was hesitant at first, since the sect was all that he knew, versus Rurik who grew up in a different country alltogether. Rurik eventually was able to sway him into leaving as well.
As the final day of the sect grew nearer, the two of them made a haphazard plan to leave, and if all goes well, get rid of Cecil alltogether. Finn was very aware of the upcoming eclipse, and the two of them started to plan around that date. Though, in the end, they threw out this plan for plan B. During the final day, Cecil corralled the remaining sect members into the church, taunting the two men who stood still, not following the rest in. At this point, Finn was so upset he was starting to lose control of his body temprature and emotions, lighting up the dry grass around him by accident. Cecil took this as a taunt, and slammed the church door closed, and continued to taunt the both of them. Finn lost control of his fire, making Rurik step away from him, and rush Cecil. Rurik was able to gravely injure Cecil, but he escaped into the church before Finn could get to him. Finn completely lost control of his fire and managed to burn nearly the entire sect down, missing Cecil's cabin, and a few straggler ones. Rurik freaked out and tried to help Finn, though there was little he could do. Finn eventually cooled down enough for the two of them to make a run for it, though they managed to get split up in one way or another, and lost eachother in the smoke billowing from the fire. The two of them won't see eachother for years to come.
After Finn escaped the sect, he really had no clue where to go. He'd never actually left the area of the sect, and was left on his own after him and Rurik got split up. He wandered for a while, and was able to couch surf to a point. For a few months that's all he really did, wander across the country into a farther eastern one, until he came across a flyer for a travelling circus that was going to come to town the next night. He figured it would be a good distraction from all the woes he faced thepast few months, and went to the show. Though, this was when he realized that due to his... special creation, he was able to see through glamour, and he was able to see the true side of the circus. (The circus works as a lotus trap to most, and it runs with glamour throughout the entire show, effecting the food, drinks, and entire circus tent, though no one besides him could see through it.) The Ringleader of the circus noticed this, and didn't allow Finn to leave the tent. He was effectively kidnapped to join the circus, sadly.
The ringleader knew what he was, and refused to elaborate how, though Finn suspected it was because the fact that he could see the glamour. He was tied to a chair and forced to join, lest he see what truly lies within the Beast tamer's cage. He bedgrudgingly joined the circus, being a jester character within the show.
His scars glow slightly when his emotions are high.
He has slighly higher body temprature than humans, so it always seems warm to the touch when hugged or held. Though even though his body temprature is higher than most, he doesn't overheat in the warmer months.
When at his most voltile state and his emotions are highest, it is nearly impossible to go within 20 feet of him until he calms down, unless you are immune to heat or have protective high temprature gear on.
Within the Circus that basically kidnapped him, he's a simple jester and that's about it.
He has so many issues. putting him in the hydraulic press
He's afraid of the dark, and can only sleep with a small light on.
Click to see relationships.

Sebastian Haren
It's rather complicated. Finnegan still sees him as his own father, but feels resentment towards him for leaving him alone with Cecil. He is quite angry at Sebastian for doing things he did, though Feels conflicted for a number of reasons.

Finnegan feels nothing but anger and resentment towards this man. Cecil made his his life absolutely miserable for years, and was around him while he was growing up, but rarely ever actually helped him. Cecil forced him into the church on numerous occassions without any warning, and did numerous tests on him to make sure the homunculus parts were growing together. When he lit the fire to burn the sect down, he was aiming to kill Cecil slowly, but he is unsure if he died in the fire.

Rurik Lochabey
Close Friend
Rurik showed up fairly late into the sect's lifespan, though seemed like the only person who could actually talk to Finnegan. The two of them hung out whenever they could, since both of them have faced simular hardships. After the fall of the sect, they got split apart and haven't seen eachother since. He hopes he survived.

Mikhil Cain
A rather cowardly man. Finnegan noticed that he would do absolutely anything Cecil asked without question, including hurting him and other sect members. He personally watched Mikhail die during the fire.

Grins wide. Don't worry about it
Finnegan was forced into the god's residence numerous times growing up, and he is absolutely terrified of them. Finnegan has never seen the true form of the god, but he's seen enough glimpses to be terrified.

The Wolfman
He's the only one who would talk to Finnegan like a normal person, mostly because they both know the same language. The two of them were made to bunk with eachother due to size limitations on the train, and they got along fine. Finnegan wouldn't consider him a friend, but he's the only one who would be around him.

The Ringmaster
Even after knowing what the Ringmaster is, he still can't help but feel terrified of him. Since Finnegan can see through glamour, most of his tricks don't really work with him, but with what he's read, he still stays an arms length away from him whenever he tries.

The Beast Tamer
A terrifying man. He was completely unkind to Finnegan when he "joined" (forced to) the circus, and especially after Finnegan had the attack that burned down half the tent, ruining half of his show. The Beast Tamer is quick to argue and fight Finnegan, and due to this, Finnegan rarely speaks to him unless he has to.

The Ticket Taker
Finn knows little to nothing about the Ticket Taker, since they never actually speak. They show up sometimes out of the blue. He is a bit wary given how close they are to the Ringmaster.
Playlist on SpotifyClick me to see the songs! They'll also have a blurb as to how they fit with the character.
Sin Triangle - Sidney Gish
Papaoutai - Stromae
Burn Him Down! - Kitsch Club
Fire - Kimya Dawson
Circus - Lindsay Mendez, Drew Gasparini
Black Cat - Whitey
Anti-Eulogy (I Hope You Stay Dead) - Hail The Sun
Falling on Deaf Ears - Hail The Sun
Next to Ungodliness - A Lot Like Birds
Be Calm - Fun.
Black Cats - Zillakami
Couture - Epsyle
Paranoia - Hail The Sun
Messiah - Mr. Kitty
Cross/Cross - Mr. Kitty
Cosmic Narcissism - Hail The Sun
Numb - Linkin Park
In the End - Linkin Park
Different Anymore - Amigo the Devil
Impostor Syndrome - Sidney Gish
Say Hi - Dance Gavin Dance
A New Hour - Mr. Kitty
Filistata - Stolen Babies
Hope - Roar
Cody's Theme - AJJ
Forest Fire - AJJ
Cult Ritual, Line 3 - Stevie Dinner
Your Friendly Local Arsonist - Tanuki
Detatch - Mr. Kitty
Hospital - The Used
Buy The Stars - Marina And The Diamonds
Arsonist's Lullabye - Hozier
Roshambo - The Network
Happppy song - SOOOO
Knowing That You've Already Arrived - Tides of Man
Checkerboards & Cigarettes - Megosh
Fences - Paramore
John Orr The Arsonist - And Then There Were None
Losing My Religion - R.E.M.
Lullaby For An Angel's Egg, Pt. 2 - STOMACH BOOK
Greetings from oblivion! we hope to see you soon! - STOMACH BOOK
Litle Pistol - Mother Mother
SCAPEGOAT - Ghost and Pals
On Existence - Hail The Sun
This Body - The Dear Hunter