Cecil is a scrawny man, with a pale complextion with Blonde, long hair. At first glance, he doesn't look like he'd have any muscle on him given his stature. He wears fairly thick glasses, given his poor vision. His hair is always kept in a tighter ponytail, and his facial hair is always kept neat and trimmed. He is missing part of his finger on his left hand due to Rurik biting it off.
For regular wear, he really only wears button-down shirts, be it long or short sleeve. He wears the sect necklace wherever he goes as well. He is regularly seen with a large trenchcoat, especially during the colder months. He never wears any shorts or 'casual' shoes, and always wears either loafers or dress shoes (or boots) wherever he goes, no matter the weather.
During rituals and other important sect happenings, he wears his handmade canine mask, painted to commemorate the god they worship. It's a lighter mask, being made out of a soft wood. A large cloak made out of thick wool. While wearing this cloak, nothing beneath it can be seen. Usually you can only see his arms peeking out of the cloak when he so chooses.
Cecil is... interesting, to say the least. He's incredibly abrasive and blunt, not allowing anything less than perfect. Highly intelligent, he uses this to his advantage to manipulate people into doing what he wants, though sometimes it requires more force, and he isn't afraid to get physical when he needs to. He is quick to anger, and quicker to anger if it's someone he already doesn't like that's bugging him. Though, with all these bad personality traits, it still doesn't stop him from being a very persuasive public speaker. Given enough time, he can make people believe really anything he'd like, for better or for worse. He has little patience for most people, alongside having absolutely no sense of humor.
He has a very fragile ego, and will get upset at anyone who would even imply that he's incorrect in something he's doing or saying. He's doubly insecure at the fact that he's never truly had a stable romantic relationship with anyone, though if you ask him, it's all of his past girlfriends and wife who were the problem, and he could never do anything wrong in this regard.
Likes: Nighttime, quiet evenings, time alone, hard liquor (mostly whiskey or vodka), bookkeeping.
Dislikes: Pets, non-sorcerers, ... sorcerers (specifically ones born with gifts), certain followers.
Growing up in a Coven, he was raised to harness magic, though he himself never had a specific power to harness, so he decided to learn whatever was available. He grew up with Sebastian, and basically learned beside him. Though, he was always slighly jealous of Sebastian for having an 'upper hand' when it comes to learning. He was very proficient in his own right, but he always felt below Sebastian due to his father teaching him directly. Cecil never really met his parents, as they both got into an accident when he was very young, and basically grew up with the coven as his guardians. Outside of this, his childhood was fairly normal, and they treated him well.
Throughout school, he was the top of his class, leading the grade he was in with his grades. He took school incredibly seriously, and eventually graduated college as one of the top 5 students gpa wise. After college, he began studying the history of magic users throughout the years, though seemingly came up empty handed in a lot of aspects. A large chunk of the history books he managed to find were missing large chunks of time, especially compared to the regular history books of humans and other creatures. He spoke about this to Sebastian, who agreed to help him out in his research, since he had nothing better to do. Sebastian recently left a mercenary group, and Cecil (kind of) pressured him into helping because he knew things that Sebastian did, and could use them against him. The two of them scraped over hundreds of books, before Cecil was able to find an incredibly old book speaking about gods of years past. The book had your regular fare, small gods that villages or smaller civilizations worshipped but fell to obscurity after generations, but there was one god that was never spoken about outside of the book he held. The god was supposedly a lost third god, with the other two being the Sun and Moon gods that are regularly worshipped to this day, though it was curious that there was no mention of this third one. At this, he set his eyes on his target.
A few months of research under his belt, he was able to track down where this old god was supposedly held, somewhere in the far north of Saintmyan, in a small church-like structure in the middle of the woods. The books spoke that the church was once attached to a town, but after the god was imprisoned, people moved away or died under... questionable circumstances. Sebastian went along with him as they took the long car ride up north from where they were staying, and they were pleasantly surprised that the structure did, in fact, exist. They set up camp there, and entered the church.
At this point, the god has never made a point to show themself to Cecil, and the two of them wandered the small church with no interruption. As the days went on, the god gave small hints to Cecil (though nothing to Sebastian.) until Cecil finally saw the god. The god was kind to him, (for the most part) and pressured Cecil to bring the god "food" in exchange for more information for his project. The relationship between the two was growing, and Cecil was able to get more information about the god than ever before (though, it seemed to be slanted towards the god and completely disregarding the other two.)
After becoming closer to the god, Cecil decided to start the Sect of Dawn. Dubbed so due to the god speaking about how that the only way they'd be able to escape their prison was during a total eclipse of the sun, leading into a new dawn of humanity. It started off very small, with only one or two extra people joining (not including Sebastian and his wife). For a few months, the sect was simply another small group activity to set up a camp in the woods for a nice getaway, though it eventually turned a bit towards the darker side as the god pestered Cecil for food. Meetings started slowly, and would meet up at Cecil's house biweekly.
The god suggested that he could do a broadcast speaking about the sect (in a positive light, of course. You have to get people to join somehow.) and Cecil set up a small station connected to the church. It could be heard from at least 50 miles away, (though originally could only do 5 miles, but with the help of some magic, it got the job done. It hovered around hobbyist frequencies for a while, until he was able to squirrel it into more mainstream signals. The shows lasted from 1 to 2 hours, letting him ramble about his new 'religion' of sorts, and getting people to join in. Cecil was the only host of the program for quite a while, though as the sect got bigger, so did the 'budget' of the show. As the sect grew, the show became more cryptic and longer in some portions, mostly with the help of the god. Sometimes during broadcasts Cecil would allow the god to 'take control' of the broadcast of sorts.
As the sect got bigger, Sebastian opened up slightly to Cecil about his inability to have kids, and to no ones surprise, he wasn't the best person to talk to about it. The night that Sebastian told him, Cecil spoke to the god about the prediciment, the god told Cecil that he would be able to make a vessel for them, while also making a 'son' for Sebastian. Cecil asked about this idea to Sebastian, who was understandably against the idea. The ritual that's used to make Homunculi was banned for a reason, and he wouldn't want a part of it, though Cecil eventually got him to agree to the idea.
The ritual was a success, and Cecil was able to create a homunculus for Sebastian. He let Sebastian handle the reigns of childcare (kind of. it's complicated.) while he continued his work with the sect, though after a while, Sebastian became suspicious of what was happening. He confronted Cecil with what his true plans were (for the group, for the research, and most importantly, the plans for Finnegan, his new son. Cecil wasn't known to be generous, and him doing this ritual on the fly was very suspicious in his eyes.) They argue for a bit, and Sebastian (regretfully) agrees to stay in the sect for a little while longer, since he didn't want to leave his wife and new son behind.)
While all this was going on, Cecil was starting to feed sect members to the god for food (for the god). It was framed as going into the new level of humanity, where they'd be able to be part of the new dawn, though in reality, they were simply fed to the god, and Sebastian's wife was one of them. Though, these feedings are usually a large event, where you would be honored to be chosen. She was taken in the middle of the night and locked in the church without Sebastian knowing it was him. After this, Sebastian left the sect to never return, despite the warnings Cecil gave him about leaving. After this, Cecil decided to up his projects and expand the sect larger than it's ever been.
Cecil decided that Finn was strong enough to see the god at this point, and would force him into the church after sundown as punishment for his "misdeeds" (which usually boiled down to agreeing with his father.) Cecil introduced Finn to the god, and saying that he was successful in making a vessel for them, though the god rejects the offer. The god won't speak of as to why, but after this point, the treatment towards Finn got worse. Since Cecil's original plan was halted, he started using Finn in other ways, including branding sect members using his fire. Finn didn't want to do this, but Cecil forced him to do so.
At this point, the wider sorcerer community is starting to hear about his group, but he's able to write it off as a simple outdoors group, and from the outside, that's exactly what it was. The Sect was a few cabins sprawled about the field that surrounded the church, and they did, in fact, do outdoor activities. After being poked at by the outside world, Cecil's mental state started to show signs of deteriorating. He shifted his gaze to more... hands on experiments. Throughout his studies, he came across rituals to make chimeras, (specifically human x animal chimeras), and wanted to see if he was able to perform these as well. Nikhil was the one to offer himself to get tested on. Overall, it was a success, though Cecil messed up the amount of dog he fused with Nikhil, and he got a little bit too much dog in him for his liking, but at this point Nikhil was attached to him at the hip and was eager to help. After the first chimera was a success, he shifted his focus to a more dangerous type, a demonxhuman chimera. Demon blood is incredibly corrosive, and can damage skin if touched. It generally gives burns simular to harsh chemicals, though does not sear through natural materials such as wood and concrete. The first 10 or so didn't survive the ritual, with the demon blood corroding them from the inside out. Though, one finally did. Rurik was (most likely) the first historical success of this ritual, with most others being unable to survive for long periods of time. Outside of the sect, there was one other survivor of this ritual, though they died a week afterwards. Rurik was incredibly violent and agressive as his body tried to balance the blood inside of him, which lead to him biting Cecil's finger off in a scuffle. Cecil took most of his anger out on both Rurik and Finn, since he saw both as 'failures' in a way. Finn being a failure due to the god not wanting him as a vessel, and Rurik due to his stubbornness and unwillingness to listen to any orders. He made Rurik be a 'guard' of the sect for the time he was there, and forced him to wear a muzzle nearly constantly due to the previously mentioned missing finger.
The sect has been going strong for a few years now, with about 50ish people in the congregation. Cecil continued his regular schedule of feeding people to the god and continuing his shows, though a suprise visit from a few people in a mercenary group arrive. They never state the real reason that they're there, but Cecil plays it off and agrees to cooperate with them, showing them his records for people who joined his group. He's still using the 'outdoor getaway' guise, though when pressed about the people who were marked as missing, Cecil lied and said he knew nothing about them, and they never joined the group. At this point the mercenaries are incredibly suspicious, but since they don't know exactly what they're up against, they leave. After this, Cecil starts becoming more paranoid about the outside world, in which she starts speaking to his congregation and enforcing the idea that the outside world is scary. After the mercenaries left, a few followers left behind them, though they really didn't get far without a car. Some were found in the woods weeks after the fact.
As the eclipse comes nearer, Cecil is continuously pushing his followers to accept that they'll become higher beings if they enter the church during the eclipse. When the day comes, Cecil does what he said he would, and fed nearly every single follower to the god, though in the proccess he was nearly killed by both Finn and Rurik. The two of them had a plan to escape the sect anyways, (and in the process destroy it) and while Cecil was feeding people to the god, Rurik lunged at him and managed to slash part of his throat, while Finn lost control and nearly burned that part of the forest down completely. Cecil (sadly) survived this attack, and locked himself in the church with the rest of his followers while they were being consumed. At this point, the god revealed to Cecil that he was the intended vessel, and in Cecil's weakened state due to major blood loss, the god took no time to make him the vessel. Mikhail was still alive at this point, though was quickly killed off since he was no use to the god.
Currently, with the sect fallen, 'Cecil' wanders around, searching for previous sect members to get rid of them. He still preaches what he once did, and there is still some straggler followers, though not many.
He mainly hangs around in the library, or a simular area. He also keeps very particular notes for the books he reads, since most will help him in his own research.
Ameture Radio host. Using a low powered shortwave radio, he regularly does 2 hour long 'shows' with quite a lot of religious talk, in which he brings in new members to the sect.
Is very close to the god that he worships in many ways.
He eventually becomes the vessel for the god. There's gonna be another profile for that I promise. Eventually.
The longer he stays near the god (during when the sect was still around), he started to develop a sickness called the black cough. This is due to his interactions with the god. It causes the effected to start to cough up a black, mucus like substance, and leads to the effected to be bedridden. It starts off small, with coughs once in a while, but eventually leads to greatly impacting the persons health and wellness, and persons effected tend to lose weight at a fast rate.
Click to see relationships.

Sebastian Haren
Former Friend, Enemy
The two of them grew up together within the coven Cecil grew up in, though Cecil always grew up feeling like he was somehow worse than Sebastian, and never really got over it. The two of them worked on his work together for years, and made the cult together. After a while, Sebastian left the sect, thus cutting ties with him completely.

Finnegan Mac Haren
Cecil never saw Finnegan as a real person, for the most part. He only created Finnegan to be Sebastian's son, but once Sebastian left, he felt like there was no use for him. The god wanted him to keep Finnegan around, and thus he begrudgingly kept him alive. He regularly hurt and abused Finnegan throughout his time alone at the sect, using Finnegan's fire magic to brand members, wether if they liked it or not. He hated him more after Finn burned the sect down.

Rurik Lochabey
Even though many people died before Rurik, though even when Cecil was able to successfully make a demon chimera, he still didn't feel like he did it right. After Rurik bit off a finger or two off of Cecil's hands right after he was removed from the ritual room, Cecil decided that he was a failure. He forced Rurik to do night security for the sect, and made Finnegan brand him due to his 'bad behavior'.

Mikhil Cain
Friendly, follower
Cecil is quite friendly to Mikhil, given how loyal he is. He tends to find him annoying more than anything, but he knows he'd do anything he'd ask.

Grins wide. Don't worry about it
The god that Cecil follows. Both of them are really normal
Playlist on SpotifyClick me to see the songs!
The Bitter Suite IV and V: The Congregation and the Sermon in the Silt - The Dear Hunter
The March - The Dear Hunter
One of Us is The Killer - The Dillinger Escape Plan
LIKE A DOG - Ferry, Nekomura Iroha
Hey Kids - Molina, Late Verlane
It's Warmer in The Basement - Cobra Starship
Autotheist - Baby Bugs
Secret - Forrest Day
This Sow is Mine - Dog Fashion Disco
Eight-ball, Coroner's Pocket - Hail The Sun
Yekteniya I: Ochisheniye - Batushka
Pistols & Paces - Shayfer James
Snake Oil Baptism - Diablo Swing Orchestra
(We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock - Bill Haley & His Comets
Shadow - Amigo the Devil
Goodnight Socialite - The Brobeks
Aura - Ghost and Pals
Handlebars - Flobots
Inspire The Liars - Dance Gavin Dance
Arcane Justice - Hail The Sun
Along Came A Spider - Czelaw Spiewa
Evil Eye - Franz Ferdinand
My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
Checkerboards & Cigarettes - Megosh
Look Away - The Dear Hunter
Probably End Up in A Ditch Somewhere - Nero's Day at Disneyland / Lauren Bousfield
Mercy - Petunia & the Vipers
Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
The Night I Kidnapped Remo Drive - Remo Drive
The Revival - The Dear Hunter
The Lake and The River - The Dear hunter
The Oracles on the Delphi Express - The Dear Hunter
The Pimp and The Priest - The Dear Hunter
Don't Mess With Me - Temposhark
Simon Was - Petrojvic Blasting Company