Hi all. This website is no longer going to be updated. You may still browse and contact me (alongside keeping my web rings intact for the ease of the creators and to not give me a headache dealing with them), but keep in mind that this website will most likely stay in this state for the foreseeable future.
I have become disenchanted with the idea of my website, alongside the use cases and manifestos a lot of other neocities websites have and I simply do not want to continue. I may rehaul my site in the future (or simply move urls), but for now, it will stay in this state. I loved working on my website for a long time, but being an adult with a very busy schedule, I simply cannot keep it up. I cherish the connections I’ve made while my website it up, and I hope it inspires others to try to view the internet in a different way, but for now I must say goodbye.
You may still browse my site and use it to your hearts content, and you can click Tobacco above to enter.